
Showing posts from April, 2018

Some Important Units

Some Important Units  Unit of magnetic pole strength is Weber  Unit of RAD (radiation absorbed dose ) is gray  Unit of inductance is henry  Unit of conductance is siemens  Unit of heat is joule ,calorie  Radio activity is measured in currrie  Rutherford is strenght of radioactivity  Torr is pressure  Fermi is unit of lenght equal to one femometer (10-15 meters) Maxwell is unit of magnetic fluc  Kilowatt per hour is unit of power Coloumb is unit of eletrical charge  Tesla is unit of magnetic flux density  Faraday is unit of electric charge  Unit of flight speed is Mach  Unit of atmospheric pressure milli ba Unit of Energy is electron volt  Unit of brightness is lambert Unit of speed is m/sec  Unit of velocity is m/sec Unit of weight is newton  Unit of acceleration is m/sec square  Unit of wavelengh is meter  Unit of current is ampere  Unit of time is second  Unit of Resistivity is ohm*m For more updates visit