Some Important Units

Some Important Units 
  • Unit of magnetic pole strength is Weber 
  • Unit of RAD (radiation absorbed dose ) is gray 
  • Unit of inductance is henry 
  • Unit of conductance is siemens 
  • Unit of heat is joule ,calorie 
  • Radio activity is measured in currrie 
  • Rutherford is strenght of radioactivity 
  • Torr is pressure 
  • Fermi is unit of lenght equal to one femometer (10-15 meters)
  • Maxwell is unit of magnetic fluc 
  • Kilowatt per hour is unit of power
  • Coloumb is unit of eletrical charge 
  • Tesla is unit of magnetic flux density 
  • Faraday is unit of electric charge 
  • Unit of flight speed is Mach 
  • Unit of atmospheric pressure milli ba
  • Unit of Energy is electron volt 
  • Unit of brightness is lambert
  • Unit of speed is m/sec 
  • Unit of velocity is m/sec
  • Unit of weight is newton 
  • Unit of acceleration is m/sec square 
  • Unit of wavelengh is meter 
  • Unit of current is ampere 
  • Unit of time is second 
  • Unit of Resistivity is ohm*m

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